Behavioral Health

Overcoming Behavioral Challenges Together

Behavioral health encompasses many facets, including one’s ability to self-regulate and demonstrate healthy thinking, emotional responses, and behaviors.

Life stressors can interrupt this balance and lead to inappropriate responses or dysfunctional behaviors. Children and youth with a history of trauma or exposure to abuse/neglect may develop maladaptive coping strategies that can have long-lasting effects on their well-being. A child’s ability to walk through the recovery process and develop healthy attachments is crucial to their success and steps towards healing.

Providing behavioral health services since 1998, Pathways believes in capitalizing on an individual’s strengths to help empower and overcome challenges. With a focus on community-based care, including therapy, counseling, and psychiatry, Pathways joins with families as partners in working together to achieve recovery and maximize resiliency goals.

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Targeted Case Management & Skills Training


Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS 2.0) Assesment


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